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Horoscopes for Virgo Season 2021

Conjuring the Muse

Get out your red marker, your chisel, your pruning sheers. It’s Virgo Season.

Leo Season has come to a close. The height of summer has now passed. The nights are getting longer. From August 22 to September 22, the Sun in Virgo transitions us from summer sun into autumn harvests.

This Mercury-ruled earth sign is known for precision, refining, editing, organizing, restructuring, and overall getting things done. Virgo turns its discerning eye to whatever task is before it, saving what should stay and rejecting what belongs on the cutting room floor—ruthlessly. With wild abandon.

I see Virgo Season as a blessing for all creatives. Virgo teaches us that much has to be cleared away to reveal the truth, the beauty, and the uniqueness of our art. We do not simply make. We remake. We revise. There is an alchemy in editing.

To see how the astrology of Virgo Season is affecting you and your creative work personally, check out your horoscope below. Make sure to follow @conjuringthemuse on Instagram over the next month for more creative wisdom from Virgo Season.

Let’s get to work.

Aries Rising

The Sun in Virgo shines its discerning light on your house of day-to-day work, habits, and routines. Alongside Mars, you’re feeling the pull the refine and reorganize your daily work. What checklists, morning routines, and workspace adjustments are necessary to create your best work? What is your process for creating and how can it be tweaked to be more efficient? With Venus already in Libra in your 7th House of committed partnership, and Mercury and Mars soon to follow, consider who you partner with to create and support your projects. This astrology can bring in new collaborators, but watch out for heated conversations. Let Libran balance guide you to a diplomatic solution.

Taurus Rising

This season, you feel a surge of inspiration and creative vigor as the Sun heats up your 5th House of creative projects. You may feel a proliferation of ideas pulling you in different directions. Follow your curiosity, make pro/con lists, feel into what makes you feel enlivened, impassioned, and in flow and commit to that. Venus has already been hanging out in your house of day-to-day work and habits, inspiring beauty and ease in your daily routine. Soon, Mercury and Mars will join Venus, pulling focus on how you structure your day to meet your goals—whether productivity, self-care, or play. Before the Sun also moves into Libra and your focus turns wholly to revitalizing your approach to work, focus on feeling into what is inspiring you and what new creative possibilities are presenting themselves. Let the discerning eye of Mars in Virgo aid you in deciding what projects to prioritize, and which to shelve.

Gemini Rising

The Sun in Virgo turns your energy and organization to your home space. What tidying, organizing, cleaning, beautifying, and refining does your home space need to create the physical, mental, or emotional space for you to create? Venus has already entered Libra and your 5th House of creative projects, energizing your aesthetic judgment and desire to beautify and create. Before Mercury and Mars join Venus and bring their brilliance and energy to your creative projects, get your living space set to right to support the increased energy and need to create.

Cancer Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo are activating your 3rd House of communication. What do you have to share? What do you have to teach? What is the medium for how you communicate (podcast, IG, article, novel, visual media, performance, etc.)? Mercury offers clarity of thought and speed, Mars adds a ruthlessness to your critical eye, enabling you to revise your work efficiently (if perhaps brutally) and perhaps also communicate as an advocate—for yourself or others. You cut to the heart of the matter and you will be heard. Venus is currently in your 4th House of home and family, bringing ease, beauty, and connection to your physical space and the relationships within your home. Soon, Mercury and Mars will join her, perhaps bringing up difficult conversations. Speak cautiously and with Libran judiciousness. This season is about shining your vitality and life purpose through your communications, and also creating the ease and beauty at home that support your creative expression. Get cozy and get to work.

Leo Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo are transiting your 2nd House of your money and assets, how you make money, and the skills with which you make money. Review your credit card and bank statements, revise your budget, get clear about what money goes where and what your financial goals are. Review the skills with which you make money and consider which you enjoy most, which put you in a state of flow and ignite your passion. What skills or activities make you want to get out of bed in the morning and how can you focus more on those in your work? Venus has already moved into your 3rd House of communication, sweetening your messages and connecting you with your audience. Soon, Mercury and Mars will join her, adding energy, speed, wit, and perhaps conflict to your messages and conversations. This Virgo Season, your focus is on getting your budget in order and communicating your message—teaching, marketing, writing, exhibiting your work, or however you self-express.

Virgo Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo are activating your 1st House of self. You feel personally energized and as though the spotlight has been turned on you. Mercury instills you with clarity of mind, intellectual vigor, and speed while Mars imbues courage and perhaps combativeness. How you employ this energy is yours to choose, but for creatives, transits in the 1st House can amp up the courage necessary to share your work and shine out in the world. Don’t let perfection or fear hold you back. Done is better than perfect and no failure is as damaging to your work than doing nothing at all. Venus is currently transiting your 2nd House of money and assets, bringing ease and magnetism to your bank account. This season is a prime time to put yourself and your work out there, to connect with your audience, and draw financial resources to you.

Libra Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are transiting your 12th House of that which is hidden, creative projects you’re working on in secret, or an unpacking of unconscious habits and thought patterns. However this energy is showing up in your life, it is a moment of incisive insight. You can cut to the heart of the matter, get down to brass tax, and see this work through. Mars in Virgo has staying power to get the job done. Venus has already moved into your 1st House of self, imbuing you with beauty and magnetism. It’s a prime time to connect with your audience, get on a stage, get that interview, or make that pitch. Soon, Mercury and Mars will join Venus, amping up your wit and fiery courage—perhaps heating up your temper. Mars in Libra is at its best when advocating for justice, so wherever possible, keep this righteous fire pointed toward productive action. In a negative expression, Mars in the 1st House can lead to a hot temper or excessive self-judgment.

Scorpio Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are transiting your 11th House of friend groups, community, and clients. For creatives, this astrology draws focus on those patrons and clients who support your work and how you connect with them. It’s a prime time to consider how your website, social media, events, and other client interactions function (or are dysfunctional). It’s a time to consider who your target audience is and what kind of relationship you want to build with them. It’s a time to get in front of that audience and shine. If you are a community organizer, this energy imbues you with the will and mental clarity to move your work forward at an accelerated pace. Venus has already moved into you 12th House of that which is hidden, secret projects, and unconscious thoughts and habits. Here, Venus adds ease and beauty to this hidden work. She’ll soon be joined by Mercury and Mars, which will offer a fertile time for unconscious excavations or creative tinkering that’s not ready yet to be shared.

Sagittarius Rising

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are transiting your 10th House of career and public life. It’s a time to reflect on your career and to trim the fat. Where is your energy being wasted? Where should you double down? Get clear about your career goals and make a plan, a vision board, an altar to your greatest aspirations and commit to your intentions. Venus is currently transiting your 11th House of friend groups, community, and clients, sweetening your connections with friends and serving as a magnet to your audience of supporters, drawing them to you. Soon, Mercury and Mars will join her, highlighting opportunities to connect with and manage the relationships you have with the supporters of your work. Send out that newsletter, launch the course, get active on social media—your audience is waiting for you to connect.

Capricorn Rising

The Sun in Virgo shines a light on what you’re learning, teaching, publishing, or exhibiting. What research does your creative work require and can you tap into Virgo’s discerning energy to do this work efficiently? Are you ready to publish your wisdom out into the world, and if so, can you call on Virgo to make sure you have a thorough checklist for your launch? Venus has already moved into your house of career, creating ease and magnetism in your professional life. Before Mercury and Mars join her there, utilize Mercury’s insight and communication skills, and the will and courage of Mars to accomplish whatever research, writing, teaching, or publishing needs to get done.

Aquarius Rising

The Sun in Virgo pulls focus on how your share assets and resources (time, money, and emotional work). Mercury here in its home sign is bringing you messages and fostering lively conversation about how you navigate collaborative relationships and the boundaries of what’s mine, what’s yours, and what’s ours. Venus has already moved into Libra, highlighting what you want to learn, teach, publish, perform, or exhibit. Before Mercury and Mars join her there, use this Virgo Season to reassess the resources your creative work requires from you and others and how you can negotiate getting those needs met.

Pisces Rising

The Sun is shining in your 7th House of committed partnership, adding warmth and vitality to your business, creative, and romantic collaborations. Mercury here in its home sign is adding to clarity of thought and communication, though Mars may push incisive critique toward cutting judgment. Mercury and Mars will soon join Venus in Libra, drawing focus to how you share your resources (time, money, and emotional work). Before the Sun follows suit, use this season to reflect on and recommit to your committed partnerships. How is your creative work dependent on, inspired by, or perhaps hindered by your committed partners?


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