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Horoscopes for Taurus Season 2021

Conjuring the Muse

Take a deep breath. Take a break. Take a nap. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Welcome to Taurus Season.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


After the hustle and bustle of Aries Season, it's time to slow things down. Taurus is the fixed earth sign. It stabilizes. It concretizes. It brings all the inspiration of Aries Season into physical form. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Taurus will not be hurried. There is time enough. Taurus reminds us that productivity for the sake of being busy is meaningless. Like all earth signs, Taurus deals in the tangible world, especially the creation of beauty, but Taurus also knows better than any sign how to enjoy what life has to offer. As a Venus-ruled sign, Taurus revels in the beauty and pleasure of the physical world experienced through the five senses. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


For creatives, this is a time to lean into the languid ebb and flow of creation and rest. Inspiration is not a torrential downpour, but the decadent drizzle of honey.

The major astrology for this season involves Mercury, Venus, and the Sun each coming into conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. These transits bring us new insights and invitations to radical innovation in the area of our chart ruled by Taurus.

After these revelations, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will then make a challenging square to Saturn in Aquarius. These squares challenge us to figure out how to make these radical new dreams a reality. What spreadsheets, to-do lists, and routines do we need to devise to get things done? What responsibility and boundaries do we need to cultivate to see this work to fruition?

Below is your personal creativity reading for Taurus Season, based on your rising sign. To figure out your rising sign, read this post about how to pull your birth chart. You might also want to check out my quick guide to the houses.

Aries Rising

This season, the focus in on your assets, financial resources, and the skills you employ to make money. You'll be inspired by radically new ideas of how your can make money. Be open to new ideas an opportunities that come seemingly out of left field. You may feel pressure to understand how to operationalize these new ideas, especially how you need to work with your communities and patrons to bring these new opportunities into reality.

Taurus Rising

The focus of this season is on you: your identity and how you want to show up in the world. You're feeling called to revolutionize your sense of self. Taurus is never one to be rushed, so even though these ideas of personal transformation may be radical, there's nothing that will force you to make any major shifts immediately. Allow yourself to daydream about who you have been and who you want to become. Saturn squaring Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will help you to understand how the shifts in personal identity will affect your public life and career. This tension between who you want to be and how people see you may be uncomfortable, but being true to yourself will ultimately lead to a more fulfilling life and career.

Gemini Rising

In the hidden places of your life--your home, your mind, your creative projects--you are feeling a revolutionary shift. Perhaps there is a part of your life that you keep secret, or a creative project you've not shared with others, or perhaps you have felt particularly isolated. But this hidden part of yourself is bringing you new messages of beauty and ways of being in the world. There is a shift occurring on the unconscious level. There are messages from the divine. Saturn squaring Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will force you to reevaluate your beliefs and worldview in light of what you've learned from this isolation or secret part of life.

Cancer Rising

You are seeing new ways of being in community with others--how to relate with others and accept the support of others to achieve your dreams. Saturn squaring Mercury, Venus, and the Sun challenges you to consider new collaborations and ways of sharing resources that help you live out your life purpose and create the art you were meant to.

Leo Rising

You are receiving messages this season about radical new ways to conduct your career and public life. You envision new ways to show up in the world and do your creative work, to shine publicly. This year already, you've received support from business partners and other close one-on-one relationships. This season, there will be challenges with how to manage, balance, and utilize those relationships in support of this career revolution.

Virgo Rising

What is it that you believe? What is it that you want to learn? Where is it that you want to travel? These questions are on your mind this season. Your life philosophy is being shaken, altered, refined. How does this influence your creative work? What do you feel called to research and lose yourself in? You feel pressure to balance this desire to seek, learn, and know with the pressures of day-to-day work and responsibilities--and perhaps also challenges from your physical health. How can you create structures in your daily life that will allow you to study and share the wisdom and beauty you are so passionate about? You can explore and still keep up with life's responsibilities.

Libra Rising

This season, you're finding opportunities for new collaborations in support of your creative work and perhaps also new resources (loans, shared resources) that are completely unexpected. You are able to envision new, radical ways of working with others to facilitate your work and creativity. Saturn highlights tension between your personal creative production and creating collaboratively. Saturn challenges you to create healthy, generative, supportive boundaries and systems in collaboration. Don't be afraid of the risk of new ventures, but enter them with eyes open. Make your needs and boundaries clear.

Scorpio Rising

There are revolutionary shifts in how you relate to your committed partnerships (marriage, business, and committed one-on-one relationships). What about these new ideas of partnership feel expansive, healing, and supportive of your soul purpose? These new ideas may be at odds with how things are typically done in your home, family, or lineage, causing you to feel pressured to conform or stifle these radical new ideas. What feels right to you? What feels true to you? Don't discount radical new ideas outright. Meditate on them. Marinate in them. Taurus doesn't need to be rushed. Taurus teaches us that to know ourselves and to trust in the self-knowledge is true empowerment, from which no one can shake us.

Sagittarius Rising

This season, you'll be experiencing pressure in your day-to-day schedule. You're feeling called to make radical shifts in how your conduct your day in support of your life purpose. What ease and pleasure can you incorporate into your daily schedule to allow for the rest and healing necessary to create? What radical new activities and scheduling are required for you to create your great work? You may find support from siblings, close friends, and neighbors to help make this radical new schedule possible. You may also find different modes of communication (e.g., online) will allow you to bring this radical new schedule to life.

Capricorn Rising

This season, you'll receive messages and opportunities to radically reenvision your creative process. How can you incorporate more beauty, ease, and rest into your creative process? You may feel that this radical new approach to creativity is putting pressure on your personal finances (perhaps you need to rent a creative space, take time off from work, or hire childcare). Don't let these pressures deter you from listening to this call to revolutionize your practice. Listen to the call of the Muse and give your creativity the support that it needs. Be mindful of your resources (time, financial, emotional)--don't overextend, but also don't stifle creativity with a scarcity mindset.

Aquarius Rising

Major shifts are happening in your home life and family. New opportunities or situations are calling you to change how your home functions. How can you bring more beauty, ease, and rest to your home? Can you embrace radical relaxation? If you committed to creating a beautiful, cozy, healing home, how would that support your creative work? You may feel that the demands of these shifts in the home put pressure on you as an individual. Are your individual needs being subsumed by the demands of the home? What systems, boundaries, or routines can you create that allow your home to thrive while allowing you to maintain your personal autonomy and the space necessary to live our your life purpose from a rooted, healing space?

Pisces Rising

You are being called to revolutionize the way you communicate. How do you share your creative work? For writers, podcasters, singers, and artists of any kind, what radical new ways of sharing your work with the world are calling to you? Be it format, style, genre, content--some major change is underway. These new changes may call forth unconscious limiting beliefs--feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy. Brush self-doubt aside and know that your soul is calling you to your unique work. This is what you are here to do. What can you learn about yourself by facing the inner critic? What kindness can you show yourself? What beauty and ease can you bring to the sharing of your wisdom and creativity?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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