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Horoscopes for Cancer Season 2021

Conjuring the Muse

After the frenzy of Gemini Season--with its eclipses, Mercury retrograde, Saturn retrograde, and the second Saturn-Uranus square of the year--let's slow down and slip into the healing waters of Cancer Season.

Cancer is the sign of caring, caregiving, family (however you've constructed it), and community. With its strong shell and claws, the crab protects itself and those it loves from the onslaught of life's incessant, ever-changing tides. Being an incarnated being is hard--financially, emotionally, relationally, and otherwise. Sometimes a retreat into our shells and into the calm waters of a protected tide pool are just what we need to recharge before launching back into the melee of life.

Creatively, Cancer Season encourages us to tap into what we care about most, to interrogate where we've suffered, to see creativity as a way to connect, as well as to remember. Follow me on Instagram this season to dig into these themes and tap into the energy of Cancer for your creative projects.

Astrologically, with Mars in Leo already and Venus soon to join it, the global energy will be supportive of creativity, self-expression, and a general sense of vitality. Mercury stations direct in a couple days, shifting us from a time of reflection and review to one where productive, incisive thought is possible.

Even with this supportive, action-oriented astrology, there is still a global and personal transformation taking place. This Cancer Season is helping us to process what we learned during the Cancer-Capricorn-heavy period of 2019-2020. Coming off the Uranus-Taurus square last week, the Venus/Mars transits in Leo are helping us to actualize the revolution this major astrology is bringing to our lives. Read your Cancer Season Horoscope below to see what all this means for you specifically.

Please read the horoscope for your rising sign. To figure out your rising sign, read this post about how to pull your birth chart. You might also want to check out my quick guide to the houses.

Aries Rising

How you make money and/or manage your money is experiencing a radical shift. Making sure you have or are building a community of supporters will be essential to take advantage of the opportunities Uranus is sending you. What systems and tangible actions are you taking to cultivate your following, supporters, or client list?

Mars and Venus are transiting your 5th house of creative projects. You have renewed energy and inspiration to create what you're most passionate about, and a magnetic charisma to conenct with your audience. This is a season of creative work, so take every opportunity to build, write, design--however you manifest your vision in the world. The sun is transiting your 4th house of home. Find warmth and restoration in whatever feels like home to you—you're going to need it to support this creative output!

Taurus Rising

Your identity is experiencing a major upheaval. This shift in who you are is tied to your career or public life. What maturity, responsibility, and systems do you need to cultivate in your career/public life to take advantage of the opportunities Uranus is giving you to revolutionize who you are and who want to become?

Venus and Mars are transiting your 4th house of home. Are there arguments that need to be had in your family to facilitate your growth and transformation? Are there reconciliations? Perhaps your personal growth requires that you beautify your home (Venus) with vigor (Mars). The sun is transiting your 3rd house of communication, granting you a clear, powerful voice to say what you need to. Feel revitalized in healing conversations with those you love most. Allow yourself to be witnessed.

Gemini Rising

Uranus is bringing up a lot of unconscious material for you, forcing you to sift through internalized stories and patterns and figure out what needs to be processed and released. Saturn is challenging you to study and find the philosophies and teacher(s), mentor(s), and/or therapist(s) that will help structure this unpacking of your unconscious and facilitate your personal transformation.

Venus and Mars are transiting your 3rd house of siblings, local neighborhood, and communication. Make friends! Connect with siblings! Most especially TALK! LEARN! You have the firey energy to fight for what you believe in and the charisma to win new friends and followers to your side. Get aquainted with your neighborhood. This is a season for connection. With the sun shining in your 2nd house of money and assets, you may see a financial windfall or renewed energy around managing your income.

Cancer Rising

Uranus is shaking up your friend groups and communities, causing you to question what friendships and groups you really want to be connected with anymore. Saturn is challenging you to have clear boundaries between yourself and others so that no party feels like they are dependent on the other or that one party is left feeling used and depleted (financially or emotionally).

Mars and Venus are transiting your 2nd house of personal money and assets. Mars draws focus to how you make and manage your money, giving you heaps of energy to take on new projects with new partners. Venus magnetizes money and projects to you, especially those projects requiring an aesthetic flair. With the sun in your 1st house of self, focus on what you want to accomplish and how you want to shine in the world. It's ok for you to be your priority.

Leo Rising

Uranus is revolutionizing your career and public life, bringing in unexpected opportunities. Saturn is challenging you to carefully consider who you partner with in business and to make sure the contracts you sign and commitments you make are ones you can fulfill. Evaluate career opportunities carefully and commit fully to those you’re most passionate about.

Mars and Venus in your 1st house of self each oppose Saturn and square Uranus before coming together on July 13. Mars encourages you to bravely shine authentically--being boldly yourself is what will galvanize this career change. Venus grants beauty and magnatism to you, helping you connect with business partners and/or your audience to bring you the support and partnerships this new career shift requires.

Virgo Rising

Your belief system is going through an upheaval. How you’ve viewed the world and your philosophy of life is being transformed. Saturn is challenging you to change how you actually live day-to-day in alignment with what you now believe, especially committing to habits that foster your health (physical, emotional, and mental).

Mars and Venus are tranisiting your 12th house of secrets and the unconscious. This will be a season to face hard truths about your nature—about how you fight and how you love. What stories about yourself no longer serve you? What patterns need to be released? You can't continue being who you were, knowing what you know now. Change is hard, but with the sun transiting your 11th house of friends, recharge and heal in the company of those who care about you most.

Libra Rising

How you share money and assets is experiencing revolutionary or cataclysmic change. Perhaps your loans need refinancing, or you've been forging new financial partnerships, or how you share money, time, assets, or emotional capital with your partner(s) is experiencing a major shift. Saturn reminds you to prioritize responsible, organized creative output to maximize any positive assets coming your way—or to mitigate any potential loss of money/assets. What systems are keeping your creative output steady?

Mars and Venus are transiting your 11th house of communities and patrons, bringing renewed energy and connection to those who are supporting these new financial and creative ventures. The sun is transiting your house of career, granting vitality and blessings. Commit to your work diligently and you will be rewarded.

Scorpio Rising

Your committed partnerships (marriage, business, and/or committed 1-to-1 relationships) are undergoing a radical shift, perhaps due to big changes in your partner’s life. Saturn challenges you to create a safe, sturdy home to support the revolution happening to you, your partner, and your partnership. How can you create a firm foundation for this transformation, monetarily and/or emotionally?

Mars and Venus are transitting your 10th house of career, giving you the energy to fight any workplace battles and accomplish any goal. Venus grants you beauty and magnetism, easing any workplace drama Mars is stirring up. Find balance between righteous battles and diplomacy. The sun transiting your 9th house of philosophy, religion, and travel reminds you of the big picture when you get in the weeds. Remember what really matters and find peace and grounding there.

Sagittarius Rising

Your day-to-day activities are shifting significantly in radical ways, especially the daily work that supports your long-term career goals. Saturn challenges you to network with your local community for support. You'll need to create systems of learning, teaching, and/or communicating that ground and facilitate this new daily work or habit schedule. Getting where you want to go in your career happens through the daily grind—how does your daily schedule facilitate your dreams?

Mars and Venus are traniting your 9th house of philosophy, travel, and teaching. What wisdom do you have to share? What new understandings are helping you gain perspective? The sun in shining in your 8th house of shared resources, so you have the energy to balance your shared money and assets—you may even come into some unexpected cash.

Capricorn Rising

Uranus is shaking up your life either with radically new creative projects, or possibly new developments with the children in your life. Whatever radical shifts are occuring, they are putting demands on your finances—how you make money and how you manage it. Saturn challenges you to review, refine, and recommit to responsibly making and managing your money to support this new era.

Mars and Venus are transiting your 8th house of shared resources. If you are looking for new financial partners, now is a good time to research and make new connections. The sun is shining in your 7th house of committed partnerships, giving vitality to your business and creative partnerships. If you need support to make changes in how you make money, now is a good time to seek help.

Aquarius Rising

Your home is experiencing radical changes. Perhaps you've moved, renovated, gotten new housemates, or even discovered new revelations about your ancestry. Whatever the upheaval, you're being challenged to evalaute your sense of self and identity. Who are you? What baundaries do you need to enforce for your well-being? What outmoded ideas of self need to be released?

Mars and Venus are transiting your 7th house of marriage and business partnerships. There will be love and war, especially because you're realizing that some ways of being in partnership aren't acceptable anymore. Get clear about how you want your partnerships to function and communicate diplomatically. These transits are auspicious for new partnerships, but always read the fine print. The sun is shining in your 6th house of health and daily work, so enjoy the vitality and energy this brings you.

Pisces Rising

You're experiencing radical changes or opporunities in how you communicate, teach, or share your ideas. These new avenues of sharing and conencting require that you do the deep, difficult work of exavating your subconscious. Saturn challenges you to review and unpack your unconscious patterns and beliefs. Leave no rock unturned. There is wisdom for you to find—and share.

Mars and Venus are transiting your 6th house of daily work and health. You may find yourself with a lot of work on your plate, but also the will to complete it. Venus grants ease, connection, and magnetism to your day-to-day work. Perhaps you find new ways to bring ease and beauty into your work, or you connect with new people in supportive ways. The sun is transiting your 5th house of creativity, granting vitality and inspiration to your creative work.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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